Category Archives: Uncategorized
Life seems meaningless when you and what matters to you most doesn’t
Life seems meaningless when you believe you don’t matter. Listen to the Spirit of truth tell you otherwise
As we tune into one another by practicing the art of listening we are actually tuning our brains
Practice being present with another who is secure in that space. Tuning into listen with our heart actually tunes and synchronizes our brains. To do this with another is what creates pathways of joy in our heart and neural pathways … Continue reading
Surrender is a posture of the heart that keeps it healthy and youthful. It’s fruit never gets old.
Let this attitude of surrender be your governer in all you do. If your heart is fully surrendered before God, you are able to let go of demanding outcomes go your way. The fruit is peace and contentment.
Jesus rescued us from placing our value on the falling currency of pride and shame, for they are two sides of the same coin called self effort.
When we measure ourselves by either how good or bad we are, we fall under the same measuring stick that the Pharisee’s used. Pride focuses on our polish, and shame is the crack we are trying to hide. The end … Continue reading
Always start with where you are on the map of where you want to be.
Vision is key. “My people perish for lack of vision.” Once you’ve found your position on the map by checking in with yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, ask for grace and move forward with an attitude of full acceptance. Live … Continue reading
Everyday is an opportunity to exercise your faith by pushing back against the worldly messages chopping at the legs of your value.
Thank you Jesus that I am valuable to you. I trust you in your assessment of me, and I’m grateful that no one has the authority to tell me otherwise.
We are only able to receive grace to the extent we are able to be honest with ourselves before God and others. There must be a real exchange.
In humility, a real and honest confession is met with tenderness and grace. This is the Kingdom exchange. It can only happen when we get real with ourselves, God, and others.
Though He is invisible, we learn to lean on Him as if He is there. As we walk in the dark with eyes of faith, we discover the One who cares is always there.
He delights in any inward posture that relies on Him. We learn to thank God for even our struggles, feabliness, failures, mistakes, character flaws, and weaknesses because they are reminders of our human need for grace and mercy. And He … Continue reading
Winning for personal value is different than winning or losing for the joy of challenging oneself
Winning to win is much different than winning not to lose. Being motivated by toxic shame only produces the pride of success or the failure of toxic shame.
A message to the parents who failed and hold the cards. I own these cards and will make the best out of them with God’s help.
You no longer have the place of caretaker in my life. I now have taken ownership and responsibility for my life. Thank you for doing your best, I now take this baton and will, with God’s help, allow Him to … Continue reading
Signals are meant to be received. Like a radio signal, your hearts longing for connection and love was meant to be received and responded to by another.
This sync completes the curcuit and restores precious value..
It is tempting to get pulled into debating the old familiar lies and devaluing messages. If they were a bully, that is exactly what they would want you to do.
Refuse to give them your attention. Acknowledge them for what they are and learn to ignore them with the blood of Jesus. Flag them and bag them.