Category Archives: Uncategorized

You are most powerful in My Kingdom when you know who you are and your internal life is ordered.

This is why it is so important to make time to spend in my presence. Nothing is required of you my son other than to show up and be open to me. You don’t need to strive to feel my … Continue reading


Trust in goodness

Meditate on goodness and my peace will tranform your hear and mind. Yes you can trust in it. Perfect love casts out fear of all punishment and pain. Philippians 4:6-7New International Version (NIV) 6 Do not be anxious about anything, … Continue reading


As you spend time with me in stillness and prayer, it is as if you are sitting in front of a mirror that is slowly revealing a more accurate reflection of your true identity.

Because as you listen and see, I am revealing to you what is going on in your soul and taking the mud off the mirror thst distorts how you see yourself. The more time you spend in my presence the … Continue reading


Be alert and pay attention to what experiences are draining your sense of value. Listen to the message and ask Me how to address it.

Like holes in a boat, your vessel begins sinking and you tend to not know why.  Pay attention to these messages that devalue you and allow me to help you know how to patch up the holes.  Usually they are … Continue reading


Allow My unconditional love cover the shame you feel from being unloved

Indeed you are loveable my child.  Worth loving through and through.


When it comes to being acceptable, surrender the standards you place upon yourself. They are a burden on you, for My standard has already been met.

Being under any law is a curse upon your soul. It is the crack that allows the muddy waters of condemnation and self judgement to infiltrate your heart and weigh you down. Use My resource often for filling all the … Continue reading


When you are unable to feel my presence and embrace, learn how to lean on my grace.

My presence cam be a tricky thing. It is always with you whether you feel it or not. Unfortunately you can’t demand your feelings to change.  Start with taking your thoughts captive to obey me, then ask me to help … Continue reading


Shame is a bully. Learn when to stand up to it and when to ignore it. It’s goal is to intimidate and make you feel bad about yourself.


Bring to Me what you are hiding under your cardboard boxes of shame. Allow my loving sacrifice to set you free.

Are you are aware my child that there are areas in your life where you are hiding shame and living in fear?  There are places where you avoid out of fear of rejection.  I want to set you free and … Continue reading


Imagine goodness. Practice thanksgiving

And the peace of God will be with you.


We can’t be close to that which we judge, because the very nature of judgement separates us from the object of our judgement.


Our flesh is like a compass of impulses. It’s urges and wants are usually found at the surface of life, as opposed to our values, whose roots run deeper into the realm of our spirit.

In the end it is no fun being out of control and drug around by the impulses of your flesh. They have immediate rewards but long term dissatisfaction because they are not rooted into the soil of your deeper values, … Continue reading


Don’t let yourself get too attached to outcomes or you are letting external things control your internal peace.


Value is the greatest currency you can give or receive.

And when we are in touch with our own value, we can be empowered to give it to others. Spend time depositing and receiving value in your value bucket.


Wisdom is to be sought out and gathered as precious stones.

It has little to do with intelligence rather am inclination amd posture of the heart.
