Author Archives: admin
Love is our Only Measuring Stick
(By Gloria Copeland) Some people think love is so basic, it’s something only spiritual beginners must study. They consider the gifts of the Spirit—like tongues and interpretation, the gifts of healings and miracles—as more relevant to the mature believer. But … Continue reading
Recognize and Retire the False Self. It is an Imposter and Illusion
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” – 1 John 1:8
Love Bonds vs Fear Bonds
“Life brings each of us inescapable traumas that block maturity. God’s redemptive activity comes to us in two ways: He brings healing to our traumas, and adopts us into His family. Both ways boosts us through out blocks to maturity, … Continue reading
Embracing Our Insignificant Dots
What happens when you figuratively wrap your arms around those parts of you that feel small, weak, worthless, broken, and rejected? God’s healing sentence begins where our story of self-incrimination ends. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Internalizing … Continue reading
Joy Strength + Joy Mountain
Joy strength is developed as an actual brain structure through loving relationships. Joyful bonds create our identity, our ability to act like ourselves in distress, and our capacity to face pain. Joy strength both sets and limits our capacity to … Continue reading
Deeper Wisdom of Parables
Why did Jesus speak in parables? Why couldn’t He have just said what He meant? In Matthew 13, the disciples asked this same question of Jesus in verse 10. He answered, “The knowledge of the secrets of heaven has been … Continue reading
Primary and Disowned Self
(from Understanding Relationships: Attraction and Bonding Patterns We all conduct our relationships with other people using our personality. Our personality, however, is made up of various parts, which can be called sub-personalities or selves. So when we relate with … Continue reading
Find Self then Give it Away
Many will try to give of themselves when they do not have enough of a self to give. This often leads to feelings of resentment and bitterness. Often people give with strings attached, hoping to get in return. Jesus … Continue reading
Streams of Growth
Streams flow and are always moving from higher ground to lower ground and back again.
Heart Restoration
“somehow we have overlooked the fact this treasured called the heart can also be broken, has been broken, and now lies in pieces down under the surface. When it comes to habits we cannot quit or patterns we cannot stop, … Continue reading
Embrace Grief
“A wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal.” ― John Eldredge