Author Archives: admin

A world that rejected it’s Creator can’t accept one of His Followers


Many of us are in process of removing the face of our parents onto God


We internalize our parental figures whether we like it or not


Types & Shadows in Growth Process

In the letter to the Colossians Paul noted that many of the institutions and commands revealed under the Law of Moses were, “things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ” (Colossians 2:17).  The … Continue reading


Avoid Relationship Killers

Dr. John Gottman can predict with 96% accuracy within the first three minutes of a couple having a conversation whether the relationship he is watching will survive over the long-haul or not. He bases his predictions on four potentially destructive … Continue reading


A shot of truth goes down well when garnished with grace

Truth without love is judgement- whether given or received.


Centering in Prayer is Good for the Soul

Self Care

God loves the children

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Our adoption is final. Accepting it may take us some time


“It is the nature of the false self to save us from knowing the truth about our real selves…”

..from penetrating the deeper causes of our unhappiness, from seeing ourselves as we really are- vulnerable, afraid, terrified, and unable to let our real selves emerge.” – Brennan Manning Abbas Child p. 37


What is Confessed Into the Light of Two or More will be Healed

James 5:16 tells us “Therefore, confess you sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.”


Listening with heart of Jesus and attending to the need of the moment


It’s the sick who need a doctor


The Holy Spirit is Our Healer

The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. Though we can see with our natural eyes the Holy Spirit helps us see with our hearts.  

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Trying Harder Doesn’t Always Work

common misconceptions