Author Archives: admin

The ultimate goal in personal growth is to increase our capacity to love God and others better- to grow bigger hearts not bigger heads. It starts by learning to receive.


Abiding in the loving presence of God and His people increases our capacity to suffer well

The road of His abiding presence leads to the suffering well. Jesus teaches us along the road of His presence that leads to suffering well. Embracing the suffering in our flesh as we live to the spirit of God in … Continue reading


Validating someone’s pain is one of the greatest gifts we can give somebody. It is called empathy.


There is a paradox in life where the moment we think we are something, we are nothing, and, the moment we think we are nothing we are something.


The opportunity for God’s strength to be greatest is when we are at our weakest


Performing for love, acceptance, and approval always leads to a disappointing dead end


The “Ministry of Reconciliation” is primarily about our God pursuing us and restoring us into relationship with Him. It is not about fixing our problems or behaviors.

Beyond being reconciled to God we are being reconciled to each other and ourselves through holiness and pure living. It’s about coming back to life- the life God created for people to live. The life of deep relationship, fulfillment, and … Continue reading


In relationships health attracts health, and sickness attracts sickness.

If your drawn to someone with dysfunction, your dysfunctions are compatible.


Depression is grief or anger that’s never been purely expressed


Purity is necessary for a good life. Purity is not about “just being good”, rather it’s about being one.

Two meanings for “pure”: 1. That’s all there is in it. 2. That’s really what it is. God is pure: a multiple personality who never splits. We’re divided, separated, and fragmented, unlike God. Our anger is not connected to our … Continue reading


Toxic shame prevents us from receiving love. It is a bully built from lies that needs to be put in his place

Grace is the beginning of our healing because it offers the one thing we need most: to be accepted without regard to whether we are acceptable. Grace stands for gift; it is the gift of being accepted before we become … Continue reading


Our Creator is trustworthy. He is always true to His Word


Feelings are important gauges. They help us survive as well as thrive


The most basic need of a human infant is to engage its parents in an emotional attachment that will serve as the foundation for care, comfort, stimulation and interaction


Without emotional attachments, infants fail to thrive and die
