Monthly Archives: June 2016

Simply because you resonate with a lie does not make it true.

The familiar hooks.


Divine Grace breaks the tight grip of toxic shame.


The Great Depression said goodbye to its most valuable ally and asset- the Critic.

Buh-bye. Your services are no longer needed here.


God grant me the grace to accept imperfection in myself and others.


The problem with the critic is the critic.

The antitode to the critic is grace and acceptance.  Saying yes to what is.  Embracing the imperfect gladly because it is real, here, and now before you.  The most beautiful thing in life is the grace to accept that which … Continue reading


A buffered life leaves valuable space for your soul

This space of grace to be present with yourself and others free of judgement and excessive thinking. It’s like a required minimum distance of clearance between you and all judgements / labels.


In the posture of surrender is the goodness of acceptance


Acceptance is the antitode to judgement

That which you resist persists.  That which you label and judge becomes a stumbling block. Accept what is. Resist what is not.


To experience the goodness of life, everything starts with acceptance.

When you take inventory there is a difference between resisting painful thoughts and memories, and acknowledging their presence, but choosing not to agree or feed them your energy.  There is nothing there for you to solve and there is nothing … Continue reading


The one who listens to silence uncovers the gifts of stillness and presence

And as always, with a tone of complete acceptance. Concept from Eckhart Tolle
