Monthly Archives: April 2016

Love is not the answer to a shame based person

Something else is and it most likely has to do with performance. The greatest shame for a shame prone person lies in the reality that love is not the answer they are searching for. They have exchanged unconditional acceptance for … Continue reading


What a shame based parent imparts to their children is that love is not the answer.

Or not enough for acceptance to take root.


The best way to pull the carpet on toxic shame is to celebrate your God given need for love

And open your heart wide for the streams of grace and compassion to flow.


A man who owns his need for love is stronger than a man who believes the need for love is a sign of weakness

It takes courage to be vulnerable to the truth that we, being human, need love and acceptance. Unapologetically and without shame.


The best nutrition plan or diet on earth is called Soul Care.


A normalized need paves the way for soul satisfaction

Verse: A desire fulfilled is satisfying to the soul. So often we struggle to with awareness of our needs and even if we know what our need is, many of us struggle with the permission to have them to begin … Continue reading


Like food and water your soul needs daily the nutrients of goodness and grace
