Monthly Archives: December 2015

Grace is the padded shoes beneath your feet. They allow you enough comfort to walk on top of sharp rocks of truth without getting getting hurt.


Find your center and learn to live from it.


When the heart and mind experience communion there is unspeakable joy in the presence of peace.

Left brain and right brian unite at the reunion of Adam.


There is a battle for the heart in the sacred space of silence. The life of spiritual vision vs the life of existential lonliness.


Security is measured by the heart’s ability to feel support


One can not fulfill their life’s purpose without first suffering through the combination lock if their life’s passion.

Nothing comes easy. Passion is suffering. One suffers in the pursuit if their passion. 


The Great Exchange – our double mindedness, pride, and shame for His accepting Grace..

As we confess our sins before Gid and others He is faithful to forgive us our sins.  When we experience forgiveness our faith in His grace is restored.  We move away from the traps of self effort into a heart … Continue reading


One of the biggest ways we honor our parents is to honor the wounds we received from them and grow beyond the their limitations

And the cards they left us with.


Life is hard and we need safe traveling buddies. Consider this one of the biggest investments we can make in our lifetime.

And the ones whose heart we take the time to know shall be with us in our eternal home.


Being present to your pain has the power to activate the healing balm of compassion.

When you fall into the holes of depression and despair, there is nothing else to do but be present to yourself. No expectations on when you will feel better.


There are two types of suffering in this world- redemptive and unredemptive. One brings forth life and the other death.


Life seems meaningless when you and what matters to you most doesn’t

Life seems meaningless when you believe you don’t matter. Listen to the Spirit of truth tell you otherwise


As we tune into one another by practicing the art of listening we are actually tuning our brains

Practice being present with another who is secure in that space. Tuning into listen with our heart actually tunes and synchronizes our brains.  To do this with another is what creates pathways of joy in our heart and neural pathways … Continue reading


Surrender is a posture of the heart that keeps it healthy and youthful. It’s fruit never gets old.

Let this attitude of surrender be your governer in all you do.  If your heart is fully surrendered before God, you are able to let go of demanding outcomes go your way.  The fruit is peace and contentment.


Jesus rescued us from placing our value on the falling currency of pride and shame, for they are two sides of the same coin called self effort.

When we measure ourselves by either how good or bad we are, we fall under the same measuring stick that the Pharisee’s used.  Pride focuses on our polish, and shame is the crack we are trying to hide.  The end … Continue reading
